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Looking for some input on a potential project.

LEAN is considering doing a push of charity gift cards. These are gift cards which the recipient may donate to one of three effective charities from GiveWell's rankings.

The hope is that EAs will buy these cards for non-EA friends of theirs to engender discussion and, of course, cause them to consider donating to similar charities with their own money in the future.

Before we decide to do a publicising campaign, though, we wanted some feedback on how likely you think this will be to succeed. Would this reach a significant number of new people? Would if motivate significant future donations? Share your thoughts!

See also these Guesstimates (and feel free to create your own):



In the past couple of months I've been working at .impact, which manages the Local Effective Altruism Network. My main accomplishment there thus far is seeding 48 new locla meetup groups. Seeding involves contacting people on the EA Hub who aren't near a meetup, asking them if they'd like to provide a presence in their area, and setting up infrastructure for them if they agree.

It's been great watching SHIC grow, thanks for sharing.