I want to continually act on my personal and social responsibility in the best, most effective, and sustainable way I can. I am an optimising social worker who thinks creatively and critically, am skilled in developing inception and early-stage social enterprises, policy making, project development & management, international/ intercultural communication and collaboration, curriculum development, quality evaluation, training, and teaching, content development, editing, and writing. I am a driven generalist with experience in child and women welfare, intersectional social justice and mental health, education, and disability, and would love to pursue a high impact and dynamic career in Effective Altruism.
If you have come across gaps or things you wish existed in the research, literature, and general impact of EA, please reach out to me as I am looking for those for my PhD research topic. If it sits on an intersection of Political Science, Moral Philosophy, and Practical Ethics, it'd be all the more helpful. Thanks!
If you have questions about intersectional social justice and intersectional mental health, I can help.
As CE is quite impactful and there’s an urgent need for evidence-based, high-impact nonprofits working on an array of cause areas all over the world, are any talks or movements happening for the upscaling and diversification of CE, for instance, starting CE regional branches or broad cause area branches? Thanks!
Thanks so much for the elaborate and helpful response! This is great to know.