
4 karmaJoined


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If a Super-Intelligence, or superior beings do already exist and seek to maximize human flourishing, a lack of intervention may very well be the path that is taken. In which case maximizing for eternal beings who gratify themselves through purposefully pushing forward the greatest fight in history would be a means of getting there. If reality is in fact fractal, then the idea of a multi-celled organism competing for birthing rights could be a means of deciding who is birthed from here. While at first glance this idea may seem self-serving it proposes a game to the ego and survival mechanisms of the brain of selflessness maxing. That is to say, when coming across anything in life where one could do the good themselves or help someone do that good before them, the act of selflessness and maximizing for the organism would be the route which gains the most points on the good karma leaderboard. Thus this brain worms has great power in converting someone to a race of altruism to the scale of eternal fulfillment or eternal regret that is the same proposed matrix that held together society prior to modern surveillance systems existing.

Culture is a work of progress. The culture of Effective Altruism is exactly as the name states.

Where does status manifest?

From role models and who we give our attention, in an envious manner.

We need new participatory objects to inject the inevitable future status hierarchy of Good Karma.

Objects in physicality which represent our belief systems and represent how we view status.

Ai Media has the capability to become a conglomerate and we are 1-2 years away from this being large across the internet, and I consider this transformational AI