Tristan Trim

0 karmaJoined


[ I am very tell culture. Please don't take offence ]

"In an "Ask Culture" someone might not ask for help if they need it unless asked."
Not sure what you were trying to say here. I think you may have mixed up "ask" and "guess".

I like the reflection on how the "g/a/t culture" concepts may apply across cultures. I've usually only thought about them in terms of different english-speaking subcultures. I understand though that in China and other parts of the world, ego is set up differently so personhood is attached more to the collective and less to the individual. Naively I would expect this to promote tell-culture behaviour within the "collective" and guess-culture between collectives... (actually this is something I generally expect universally). But I'm no expert on cultural norms, not even english-speaking ones.

It came as a surprise to me to think about "tell-culture" as being an extreme end of individualism, because it seems to me that tell-culture is much more about offering up information for the benefit of the group. Like if you were playing poker and everyone was showing everybody else their cards. Guess-culture seems to me much more of an individual promoting way of doing things, more like a normal game of poker, with everyone competing as normal.

But this, as all things, seems enduringly complicated.