Tyler Kolota

39 karmaJoined


If you publicize how the government aid org is wasting money, the entire budget may more likely get cut, not redirected to more effective aid.

May be better to highlight what the effective aid could do.

I hope Every Egg starts selling their animal free eggs in stores soon.

Maybe the most tractable new idea to improve lives by 5% or more at scale!

I recently came across this short-sleepers intervention idea on Twitter.

And when I started listing out big project ideas like economic/political systems change, reducing diseases/aging/major causes of death, resolving climate change, working on advanced market commitments, etc., I couldn’t think of anything that was as tractable that would significantly improve lives at scale. There are ways to improve democratic decision making & alignment with people’s values & priorities in big ways, but implementing the mechanisms is a big political challenge if not a non-starter. Attacking major causes of death is feasible if we find scalable solutions for aging, obesity, & addictions. We could likely increase lifespans/healthspans by 5% or more, but at this point we may get a decent amount of this when existing markets scale GLP1 drugs.

It seems like a short-sleepers intervention, even if it only reduced required sleeping hours from 8 to 6, would be equivalent to giving most people 6 more years of conscious life or a 7.5% longer healthy life if it could be done in an affordable drug/therapy. And it seems most challenges for an intervention would be narrow technical challenges & known regulatory challenges instead of unwieldy, widespread political/societal challenges.

I really like the potential here. I’ll keep reading more on it & look forward to any updates or opportunities to support it.

I’m still using donation multipliers to increase the amount of funds given/directed to orgs:

So I’m lined up to give $950 to the Evidence Action donation match campaign

And I’m doing it on a new credit card with a $200 cash back bonus.

Then my remaining holiday donation of $550 will be split between the GiveWell All Grants Fund & the Giving Multiplier matching fund ( But I’m holding off until January to make this one on the off chance tax deductions will be more viable next year.

Many of the most cost-effective & scale-able interventions are preventative, like child immunizations in globally poor areas. Unfortunately preventative work usually isn’t as flashy, like there isn’t a lot of fan-fare or striking event when in 6 months a vaccinated child doesn’t get malaria.

In what ways might the Mr. Beast team or others creatively work through/around this challenge to make highly-effective preventative work more compelling?

Would you consider more work & content in nutrition for pregnant mothers & developing children in globally poor regions?

-Multi-micronutrient & calcium supplementation & education for pregnant mothers to prevent still-births/early-births/underweight-births.

-Complementary feeding supplies & education for families with infants to prevent stunting.

-SQ-LNS ( distribution to prevent malnutrition in early childhood.

Research presented in the “Best Things First” book ( estimate a benefit of $14-$24 for every $1 spent on these interventions in globally poor regions.

Some people in this comment thread are repeatedly making the mistake of talking about the increase in satisfaction due to increased wealth of already-wealthy/developed-country-people. Increases in satisfaction related to increases in income only start to plateau around the $80k per year mark.

The per capita global income is around $10,000. Most people in the world would be significantly more satisfied with 2x, or even 7x, their current income.

I tried reaching out to with the following, but never got a response…

“Hello EA Giving Tuesday Team,

I've been reading through the site & getting a better idea of how you work this each year. Based on past efforts it looks like the matching isn't just limited to the FB listed organizations in the usual Fundraiser search section, which is good news.

But for the upcoming Giving Tuesday 2022, I really want to know if you can include Giving Multiplier as an organization donation option? It is an EA organization, but it wasn't listed in the 2021 orgs. Site: FB Page:

I want to try to maximize my donation this year by donating through FB matching on Giving Tuesday, by using new credit cards with high intro cash-back bonuses, by checking if my company can also match my donation, and by donating to Giving Multiplier for a higher potential multiplier from additional new EA donors.

Is Giving Multiplier an organization you can include in this year's lineup?”

There should be a way to set this up to 3-4.5x most donations. (

Hello, I reached out to with a question about this year’s efforts. But I did not get any response. Can I please get in contact with someone from the team?

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