Carnegie, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the National Council of Nonprofits guidance all have policies/guidance on conflict of interest that are publicly available (as highlighted in this comment).
Does Open Philanthropy also have a public document on its conflict of interest policy?
Given the prevalence of polyamory in the community (including amongst grantmakers) and the reported insularity / cliquey-ness of the Bay Area EA communities, I believe it makes sense for Open Philanthropy to make its internal policy on this public (and therefore open for critique).
I believe it also makes sense to show when policy may have been violated (especially in light of a rumour about a Senior Program Officer at OP and a grantee in a metamour-relationship being 'verified'.) I would find it hard to believe if the policy has never been violated across the 100s or 1000s of grants OP has made.
(And I pointed this out in the thread that had the comment you excerpted the other foundations' policies from.)