

Working in healthcare technology.

MSc in applied mathematics/theoretical ML.

Interested in increasing diversity, transparency and democracy in the EA movement. Would like to know how algorithm developers can help "neartermist" causes.


With all the scandals we've seen in the last few years, I think it should be very evident how important transparency is. See also my explanation from last year.

...some who didn't want to be named would have not come if they needed to be on a public list, so barring such people seems silly...

How is it silly? It seems perfectly acceptable, and even preferable, for people to be involved in shaping EA only if they agree for their leadership to be scrutinized.

The EA movement absolutely cannot carry on with the "let's allow people to do whatever without any hindrance, what could possibly go wrong?" approach.

Just a reminder that I think it's the wrong choice to allow attendees to leave their name off the published list.

I haven't listened to that many episodes - in fact, of those you listed I've only listened to the one with Howie Lempel (which also resonated with me). But I think the episode I found most interesting is the one with Mushtaq Khan about effectively fighting corruption in developing countries.

As an Ashkenazi Jew myself, saying "we'd like to make everyone like Ashkenazi Jews" feels just like a mirror image of Nazism that very clearly should not appear on the forum

I'm an Israeli Jew and was initially very upset about the incident. I don't remember the details, but I recall that in the end I was much less sure that there was anything left to be upset about. It took time but Tegmark did answer many questions posed about this.

Do you maybe want to voice your opinion of the methodology in a top level comment? I'm not qualified to judge myself and I think it'd be informative.

I downvoted and disagreevoted, though I waited until you replied to reassess.

I did so because I see absolutely no gain from doing this, I think the opportunity cost means it's net negative, and I oppose the hype around prediction markets - it seems to me like the movement is obsessed with them but practically they haven't led to any good impact.

Edit: regarding 'noticing we are surprised' - one would think this result is surprising, otherwise there'd be voices against the high amount of funding for EA conferences?

I admire the boldness of publishing a serious evaluation which shows a common EA intervention to have no significant effect (with all the caveats, of course).

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