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I appreciate the recognition on the comment, though I'd rather kudos go to Dobroslawa. Her post on English as a dominant language in the movement highlighted a really important issue and she did it in such an accessible and effective way. I'd love to see her get the recognition.

This is such an important cause and I'm so glad to see Fish Welfare Initiative launch.

Are you accepting donations?

I'll keep an eye out for potential candidates and folks in the aquaculture industry that might be good for you to connect with but I'm not sure how helpful I can be on that front and I'd love to support your work.

This post should be required reading in the movement. This is such an important topic. Thank you for putting so much work into it. You outlined this in a very easy to understand and actionable way.

On a somewhat related note, here are some tools that I've found helpful trying to improve communication in multi-lingual and international teams...

Slack Translate App - https://slack.com/apps/A0ZJS6Z7E-translate# - autotranslates slack messages so that people can communicate in their first language.

Zoom AutoTranscription - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dk7xk3WtzE - Automatically adds transcription to zoom recordings.

Android Live Caption (out this Fall) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPv1PkjJ-J0

Digital Assistants like Google Home / Alexa / etc - Having it on ones desk for instant translation/definition (ex. you can say "ok google ¿Cómo digo gratis todos los pollos en inglés?" and it will respond with "...is Spanish for free all chickens" or "ok google definir emancipación" and it will respond with the definition in the language you asked the question in)

AI Text Analysis - I can't find the link but I know a system exists to assess text for reading ease. This could be used to quickly review documents put out by international coalitions like the Open Wing Alliance to make sure the language used in documents uses the most straight forward language (ex. not using slang, abbreviations, etc)

Live translation - Skype, Google, and several other video/audio call platforms have live translation features. The services are getting better every year, but I should mention, while they work well for certain languages and accents, they very poorly for others.

Leveraging systems that have auto-translation as a core feature - Building a chat bot to send out actions to volunteers? Build it on a platform that can parse and return multiple languages and doesn't force the user to interact with it in English (ex. DialogFlow)

This is a very important question and it is great that you are considering it. I have a few suggestions...

1. Insights and practices from the world of cognitive behavioral therapy can be quite applicable to maintaining motivation and a sense of purpose. I'd suggest the Feeling Good Podcast by David Burns (he also has several books but the Podcast is more recent and very accessible).

2. Humans aren't rational beings and to that end, understanding the heuristics and cognitive biases we regularly operate under can be instructive and provide some useful ideas for how to leverage these biases to foster a greater sense of purpose and motivation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cognitive_biases

3. The book Drive by Daniel Pink and The Power of Habit both have some useful information relevant to maintaining a sense of motivation.

4. I've found one's mental and physical state has a large influence over their level of motivation. It can be easier to approach the issue of motivation in a less straight forward path. Improving your mental and physical state will naturally improve your ability to maintain motivation. So instead of asking "how can I be motivated" ask "how can I put myself in a state where motivation is more likely".

Thank you for putting the work into this. You made an important topic easily accessible.

The consideration of trading agreements between the countries is brilliant.