
2384 karmaJoined Working (0-5 years)Johannesburg, South Africa



Kaleem Ahmid. 

Previously an Entrepreneur in Residence at EV,  Community Builder at Northeastern and in Boston, a Visiting Scholar at JHU Center for Health Security, and EAGxBoston 2022 and EAGxNYC 2023 organiser.


Topic contributions

Answer by Kaleem15

I'm thinking of writing a longer/ more nuanced collaborative piece discussing global vs local EA community building that I touched on in a previous post.

What do you mean by "HEA"?

This is so cool ! I'm using it to improve the BOTECs and cost-effectiveness estimates in my research into effective zakat, and islamic FAW interventions

I would REALLY appreciate if someone quite good at math (especially distributions/graphs) could hop on (what I expect would be a short call) to help me sort out an issue I'm panicking over

EDIT: I'm no longer panicking, thank you to everyone who reached out !

It looks and sounds like the event was a great success ! Im really happy about that :)

Could you provide some more info about the applicants and the admissions process/decisions? e.g.:

  • how many attendees had you planned on admitting ?
  • if you had more budget, would you have admitted more attendees?
  • were all 170 attendees of the quality that you'd have hoped for, or was there some relaxation of admission criteria passed a certain number of admissions?
  • were you surprised at how many applicants there were?
  • Do you have a sense of what the general applicant pool was like ? e.g. how many applicants were very familiar with EA vs new to EA? ; where did applicants hear about the event? ; were there any notable characteristics shared by a majority of applicants ? etc.

Haven't read the full report but I would hazard to guess that they're using the word long-termism to mean something quite different to what we think about when we talk about longtermism.

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